00-DVD1-Pope's Letter - Contents of DVD1-Feedbacks

Contents of DVD1 EUCHARIST SOURCE AND SUMMIT                  Eucharist and the Mass?

            00-DVD1-Pope's Letter - Contents of DVD1-Feedbacks
            00-DVD1-Session Introduction-Prayer To Spirit
            01-DVD1-Source-Summit of our Whole Christian Life
            02-DVD1-Eucharist-Specific Act of God's Love
            03-DVD1-A Sunday Mass Survey
            04-DVD1-Salvation History - Prophecy of Malachi
            05-DVD1- Why Liturgy - Salvation Plan - Reason1: Created For God
            06-DVD1-Reason2: Jesus' Passion Re-presented in the Mass
            08-DVD1-Paschal Mystery in the Salvation Plan of the Trinity
            09-DVD1-Eucharist Hyperlinked to the Paschal Mystery
            10-DVD1-Introduction to the Four Parts of the Mass
            11-DVD1-Fraternal Greeting outside the church
            12-DVD1-Introductory Rites1: Entrance - Kissing Altar - Body of Jesus
            13-DVD1-Introdoductory Rites2: The Lord Be With You - Emmanuel