Catechetical Contest on Eucharist

on The Introductory Rites of the Mass

Table of Contents
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100-106: When the people are gathered, the Priest approaches the altar with the ministers while the Entrance Chant is sung.  (See Scoring Paper of 100-106)

100- The people are gathered to be what? / 101- Whose the altar is the symbol?  /  102- What for do the Priest and the ministers represent all of us?   /  103- What is the vocation of human beings?  /  104- Why do we have to sing?  /  105- Why do we have to sing together?   /  106- What is the effect of singing together?

107-111: When he has arrived at the altar, after making a profound bow with the ministers, the Priest venerates the altar with a kiss and, if appropriate, incenses the cross and the altar. Then, with the ministers, he goes to the chair.
(See Scoring Paper of 107-111)

107- What is the meaning of the profound bow at the altar?  /  108- What is the meaning of kissing the altar?  /  109- When kissing Jesus, symbolized by the altar, who does the Priest represent and what for?  /  110- Can you give some meanings to incensing the cross and the altar?   /  111- Can you give some names used for the Priest and for his chair during the Mass?

112-123: When the Entrance Chant is concluded, the Priest and the faithful, standing,sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross, while the Priest, facing the people, says:In the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The people reply:
  (See Scoring Paper of 112-123)

112- What is the relationship of Christians to the Trinity?  /  113- What does the Sign of the Cross at the beginning of the Mass remind us of? / 114- According to Mt 2:18-20, what did our Risen Lord Jesus give to his Church, that is, to all of us?   /  115- Why the missionary mandate received from our Risen Lord is also called the universal mission of the Church?  /  116- How are we reminded of this universal mission at the end of the Mass?  /  117-Why is the Church called "Catholic"? /118-  Why is the Church called Catholic, or universal, insofar as Christ is present in her?  /119- What does the grace of Baptism give us here on earth? /

120- We are given to share in the life of the Blessed Trinity, in the Mass, in the obscurity of faith. What that means? / 121- In the liturgy, what is the goal of the gestures and postures of the priest, the deacon, and the ministers, as well as those of the assembly? / 122- What is the aim of a well-planned celebration? / 123- What is the right and duty of the Christian people by reason of their Baptism, regarding Liturgy? /    

124-137: AMEN   (See Scoring Paper of 124-137)
124- Where does this word AMEN come from and what is its meaning? /
125- The root of AMEN means "believe," solidity, trustworthiness, and faithfulness. So, what does "Amen" express about God towards us and about us toward God?

126- According to CCC #1061, what word concludes our Creed and the last  book of the Bible?  /  127- At the beginning of the Mass, while the Priest, facing the people, says: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  And the people reply: Amen. What is the meaning of this AMEN?  /  128- At the Communion, the Priest (or the minister of the Eucharist) raises a host slightly and shows it to each of the communicants, saying:  The Body of Christ. The communicant replies: Amen. And  receives Holy Communion. What is the meaning of this AMEN?  /  129- Why the Church likes to end her prayers with "Amen."? And then, what is the meaning of this Amen?

130- According to CCC #1063, Our Lord Jesus often used the word "Amen," sometimes repeated. Then, what did Jesus want to emphasize?

131- Because AMEN expresses FAITHFULNESS, and God the Father is  always faithful to His promises to us, can we, then, call Him "God of The Amen"? /  132- If God the Father is God of the Amen because He is always faithful to His promises to us, can we say the same thing about our Lord Jesus?

133- According to CCC #1348, all have their own active parts to play in the celebration, each in his own way: readers, those who bring up the offerings, those who give communion. How then does the whole people manifest their participation?  /  134- The participation of the faithful in the liturgy must be conscious, active, and full. Where does this teaching come from?  /  135- In the Liturgy, if the whole people manifests their participation by "Amen", and if this liturgical participation must be conscious, active, and full, how should we say the AMEN at different moments  /  136- During the Mass, is there any moment when the whole assembly must say AMEN together, loudly and solemnly?  /   137- Sometimes, how is called the Amen concluding the Final Doxology, "Through him, and with him, and in him"?

(to be continued)    (Back to HomePage)   (suggestions to organize the contest)